On 9th September, I will be part of team that aims to swim continuously for 24 hours to raise money for Level Water.
I will do three 1-hour stints (one in the pitch dark) in a lake at Box-End, Bedford and I aim to cover 10 km (400 lengths of an ordinary pool)
Swimming for children with disabilities is the biggest unmet need in sport. The water takes your weight; it’s a true leveller. It relieves pain and offers freedom and independence that many of our children never experience elsewhere.
Level Water believe everyone should have the opportunity to learn to swim. They provide one-to-one swimming lessons. One lesson costs just £15, so with a single donation you could give a child the chance to learn to swim and fall in love with the water.
If you believe in the power of swimming and think everyone
should have an opportunity, then please sponsor me.
If you would like to learn more about the charity, you could watch this YouTube clip: Level Water: Mary
Thank you