The treatment Penny received after being born in a poor condition was incredible and I will be forever grateful. The support Emily and I received was also fantastic, including the use of technology and apps to keep us up to date when we weren't allowed to be there due to being Covid positive. However, all this comes at a cost, and I would like to raise some money to help those that need this same support in the future. We now have a very happy and healthy 2 year old and would like to pay something back to the charity trust as a thank you. Money raised will go to support the NICU unit who supported us and ultimately helped save Penny's life.
I have never done a Marathon before, but believe me, whilst training it has proved to be every bit as challenging as you'd imagine. Those that have done one will know!
Please support me in any way you can and give me the morale boost I need to make it across the finishing line on 16th April!