Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Just over 21 years ago I lost my father (Ron Attwell) to prostate cancer and then 4 years ago my father in-law (Ted Burke) to gall bladder Cancer.
This had a massive impact to me when losing them to a horrible disease like Cancer, seeing loved ones die in such a horrible way and looking at what massive holes they have left behind to other family members is such a heart ache to me.
For these reasons I felt that it was about time I took a stand and have entered myself in “The British 10K London Run” to raise some money to help towards my dream that one day cancer will be cured!!!
If you would like to donate to this great charity then please click on to my just giving page to donate some money how ever little I would be so grateful.
Lets take a stand together and make a dream come to reality!!
Many thanks in advance.
Dave Attwell