Thanks for taking the time to read my just giving page. As a number of you reading this will know i have been a keen runner for the last 7 years and through all the sports i play and compete in I always like to test myself.
Many young people begin their journeys at YMCA after facing hardship and not always receiving the support they so often require, YMCAs are able to offer much needed support including a place to call home, health and wellbeing support with access to support workers and counsellors, help with getting back into education and the work place.
YMCA England & Wales support 116 YMCAs across England & Wales. YMCA England & Wales acts as a national voice for local YMCAs by speaking in government to MPs and key policy makers, representing YMCAs and young people by advocating for their needs.
YMCAs across England & Wales work in local communities, with a focus on supporting young people, helping them to play an active and fulfilling role within their communities.