Because of support from so many donors, I am so glad IFB Solutions is able to provide S.E.E. afterschool programming in Charlotte to these children with vision impairments. Our family has been effected by a
hereditary eye condition causing blindness for over 100 years and our son Jack is the fourth generation of our family facing the potential of a total loss of vision. He’s been able to participate in fun programming and independent living skills training through our camps offered at the Little Red Schoolhouse in Winston-Salem and received great tools and assistance from our Community Low-Vision Centers (CLVCs). Our family is taking Steps to S.E.E. to make sure the same opportunities provided to Jack through IFB Solutions continue to be available to our friends and families in Charlotte. Please join us in supporting these awesome programs.
The SEE After School Program in Charlotte links K-12 students who are blind or visually impaired to a wide range of curriculum-focused programs that combine arts and crafts, music, cooking, assistive technology, and independent living skills to foster independence. These children need us now more than ever and with your help, we can be there for them.