Guess who's back...back again...
Welcome back folks, if you're reading this then you're clearly not bored of what has turned into an annual fundraiser - however if you're on this rolling your eyes, keep rolling, I don't care.
I'm back doing my 8th Great North Run for the incredible Macmillan and can't wait to put my green shirt on and hopefully raise even more money for the people who, as you know, helped with dad when we lost him back in 2002. Your generosity has helped raise a staggering £12,709 and I really want to nudge that number up a little bit, so if you've got a couple of quid spare, this is how your money can help:
£10 could keep five typical Macmillan information and support centres stocked with all the information resources they need to support people affected by cancer for an hour.
£19 could pay for a Macmillan benefits adviser to work in a Citizens Advice Bureau for an hour, when they would advise people with cancer, their families and carers so they can access benefits and other kinds of financial support they are entitled to.
£50 could pay for a Macmillan Grant that buys someone with cancer a microwave, making it easier for them to prepare their food.
£70 could help run a large Macmillan information and support centre for one hour.
If tugging on your heart strings isn't working, perhaps an insight into the misery I've endured might give reasons for donating:
1) All of my training has been whilst living on the party island of Ibiza, except I haven't been partying. At all. I've been getting up earlier and earlier each weekend to get out before the sun comes up so I don't melt into the tarmac.
2) Whilst on training runs, I get heckled by revellers on their way home. This upsets me when I remember that I too used to be fun as I try to block out 'WHO GOES RUNNING AT THIS TIME? IN IBIZA???'
3) Training in an August heatwave is a chafe-fest.
4) I'm still crap at running. Absolutely crap. My ego doesn't like this.
You won't get anything in return for your donation apart from a sweaty photo of me, hopefully with a medal and a pint in hand. And of course, I'm racing in memory of my favourite man in the universe, my Blue Eyes.