I have the honour of running the 2008 New York Marathon on behalf of Scope and thought you might be interesting in sponsoring me.
The marathon is on the 2nd of November and I have pledged to raise at least £1,500 for Scope through my participation.
The John Laing Charitable Trust has kindly offered to match any funds I raise, up to £1,000 and I hope that with your help I can smash my funding target.
Scope is a national charity supporting people with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is the most commonly diagnosed physical condition in the UK, and occurs around the time of birth when part of the brain fails to develop properly.
The time of diagnosis can be especially difficult for parents and Scope's national network of response workers help provide practical and emotional support.
More information about Scope can be found at
Should you wish to sponsor me, you can do so either through the Just giving web site, or by contacting me directly via mobile or email and I can add your details on to the donation forms that Scope has provided.
If you are a UK taxpayer Scope is able to claim an extra 28% in tax on top of the sum of money you pledge at no cost to you through the giftaid scheme, so please ensure to mark your pledge as a giftaid donation.
Thank you sincerely for considering my request; and for everyone that is able to sponsor me, a further thank you on behalf of the children and families who will directly benefit from your support to get a better start in life.
Best Regards,
Mobile: 07515 525 654