Most people who see this will already know about moms cancer story, how hard she fought and how strong she was.
She was a wonderful person and last year we raised nearly £3000 in her memory through donations and the brilliant fun day we had so this year we thought we'd do something different!
On 10th July 2016 (all being well) myself, baby girl, Bethany, Katie, Isla-Piper, Lisa & Cole (and anyone else who wants to join) will be taking part in the race for life at Himley Hall! I'm more than sure little miss will be one of the youngest girls there and it will definitely be one for her memory book!
As your aware every penny helps and although the money doesn't go to the Georgina ward cancer research is also another charity that without the help of mom wouldn't have come as far as she did!
We can't wait!
Lots of love
Danielle xxxx