Back in January 2015, I went for my first mammogram at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester. I had no fear, I knew my body well and looked after it. However, the diagnosis was very different. I had early stage Breast Cancer, known as Ductal Carcinoma in situ. The prognosis was good but it meant having a mastectomy. Your world shatters when you hear the M word. The outward sign of my femininity, my breasts, was being taken away. A world of emotions later and thanks to a wonderful team at Wythenshawe, I emerged stronger, feeling beautiful and feminine again into 2016! I took that opportunity to accomplish a few goals, a half marathon, sailing trip, solo travelling to South Africa and started my own business.
I had conquered the Big C and more importantly my fears and proved that life could be better after.
Then in January 2020, I was given the amazing opportunity by the wonderful charity, Prevent Breast Cancer, with whom I had been active through the Boobees campaign in 2019 to run the iconic London Marathon, a dream of mine since the 80s!!
I was over the moon and was determined to give it all I got, in order to be worthy of this opportunity. However, Fate had other ideas. During my last mammogram in February 2021, DCIS was found in my other breast and suddenly I was back to square one. Except this time, I was in worst shape after a year of living through a pandemic. But even at my lowest point, I had no choice but to gather what strength I had left, and make the decision to go through another mastectomy.
This turned out to be my biggest battle ever. I faced ICU, infections, collapsed veins, gaping wounds with daily care for months afterwards whilst still in the pandemic.
Now with the support of my family and friends and fellow breast cancer fighters, I am strong again and more determined than ever to run/walk the London Marathon. I want all the women who have to face a breast cancer diagnosis, to say to themselves, in the words of Gloria Gaynor, I will survive!!
I am living proof that early detection is key. Thanks to the regular mammogram program, both my breast cancers were detected early and dramatically improved my chances. I am now on the brink of realising a life long dream by running the London Marathon on the 2nd October 2022. But I need your help!!!!
Your support and encouragement will get me through the 26.2 miles and cross Tower Bridge feeling powerful and victorious!!
Please take a minute to read about the charity. Thank you for your support. See you all on 9th September!!
Predict, Prevent, Protect. You could call it our mantra. As the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer, we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease.