Hi everyone!!
So, I'm back asking for your help again!! This time it's for the London Marathon (I know what you're thinking, surely not another one??....but yes, I was fortunate enough to get a place which, I am in some ways regretting as I know what I've let myself in for this time!!..However it was too good to turn down, therefore I thought I would attempt to raise a little more money for this very special charity).
For those of you who generously contributed to my New York Marathon fund I can not thank you enough!! The support was overwhelming; I couldn't have done it without you. I managed to raise £5,000 all together, which is just incredible, so thank you SO SO much. It really was one of the best days of my life!!
I realise I have left it rather late to do this, partly because there's no pressure to raise a minimum amount this time, therefore what ever you can give I would be hugely grateful.
As some of you are aware, five years ago this January my Dad, a London Station Officer in the Fire service, tragically died of a sudden heart attack, only aged 49. He was such a cheerful, loving, funny man, who seemed to touch so many lives, so much so that everybody felt like they had lost their best friend. As you can imagine, loosing my Dad came as a huge shock to everyone. To think that he would not be around anymore was heartbreaking, knowing that he would miss so many milestones in mine, my sister’s and my Mum’s life was incomprehensible.
My Dad worked so hard for my sister and I to achieve our goals and he always supported us in every way imaginable (often painting in the rain so that he could help us out a little more at University!!). However, my Dad’s untimely death occurred whilst Lauren and I were still studying for our degree, which we could then only complete due to the loyal and amazing help we received from the Benevolent Fund. Without their support Lauren and I could not have remained at University, neither could I have gone on to complete my Master’s degree without their help. I am just so thankful and grateful for the outstanding support my family received from the Fire Brigade as the Benevolent fund truly did become part of our achievements, and I know that my Dad would be so thankful to them for caring for his family.
Therefore running again for the Benevolent Fund, in the London Marathon, means so much to me. The help and support we received I will never forget, and therefore hope that by giving something back, they can care for another family, and make that difference which they did in mine.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, it means an awful lot to me!!
Here's to the 26.2 miles....aghhhh!!