Over 100,000 people in the UK are affected by Dystonia, which is a neurological condition presenting with uncontrollable and sometimes painful muscle spasms. Dystonia is a lifelong condition that affects both adults and children that currently has no cure. Dystonia UK is children and adults with dystonia, carers and clinicians, fundraisers and families, medical professionals and our amazing members and supporters, all working side by side. Through our fundraisers and supporters (yes that is you!), we can carry on our mission, so thank you!
This a huge challenge for us. The first as a permanent wheelchair user and the first since a devastating, life changing diagnosis. Please help us to smash our target, raise awareness and help us on our journey to finding better treatment and hopefully one day a cure.
We know times are challenging for people but anything you can spare will help and as a thank you, we will share our journey on this crazy adventure we are embarking on :)