Hi, firstly thanks for visiting. I’ve entered the Run To Pegasus event which is being organised by the Veterans Charity to commemorate & remember the 75th Anniversary of D-Day (75 miles from Tarrant Rushton, where 6 gliders took off heading to Pegasus Bridge) they hope to raise as much money as possible for the Veterans Charity who give much needed support to our Veterans, doesn’t matter how old or young they may be or which branch of the armed forces they may have served in. Many are homeless or are struggling to feed there families properly.
The reason for my interest in the "Run to Pegasus" - My step-mother’s father Geoff Barkway DFM flew and landed one of the 6 gliders, full of troops and equipment and were tasked with capturing 2 bridges over the Caen Canal and Orne River - "Operation Deadstick" - these bridges were vital to the Allied forces on D-Day. They landed virtually within yards of the bridges and they were successfully captured intact, unfortunately Geoff was wounded and ended up losing his arm.
My Grandad also took part on D-Day, he was a tail gunner in a Lancaster Bomber and on the same night he was on a mission to bomb a gun implacement at Point Du Hoc which was capable of hitting the ships carrying the thousands of Allied troops for the invasion.
I’m currently in training to get ready for this event in June 2019 and I am asking for your support to please give what you can.
Thank you