What were we thinking???? A 95 metre abseil!!!
It seemed like a good idea back in November – look for an exciting local challenge that we could do in order to raise money for a mobile climbing wall for CYE Sailing Centre.
Thankfully, there are plenty of friends and supporters of CYE Sailing Centre who will be joining us on 12th April for this epic fundriaser. In total, 40 courageous abseilers will be stepping right out of their comfort zone to scale the heights of this iconic building in Portsmouth.
The Climbing Wall itself will be a bespoke build meaning able-bodied and wheelchair users alike to enjoy, so our friends from PACSO (Parents and Carers Supporters Organisation) will also be making the most of it on their regular Wednesday afternoons at the centre.
The total amount needed for the project is £35,000, so if all our 40 abseilers reach their fundraising targets, we will be nearly a third of the way there.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this page, and in advance, thank you for sponsoring us!