William Calvert loves superheroes and playing with his friends, just like other children his age. However, in December 2015 William’s family where told that he had Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Williams parents, Caroline and Robert, had noticed that when William started walking he waddled slight as his left foot turned inwards – but that was not what led them to their diagnosis. His parents said:
"We are devastated, and feel helpless. As though we are now scared for the future that we were so very excited for. Our son’s future has been taken away from him. We are positive people with a great support network. We feel raising money for research is all we can do right now to give us hope."
Staff and students at Castle View Enterprise Academy adopted the charity 'I'm in for Will' as one of their fundraising initiatives and continue to support valuable research through cake bakes, wear orange days, ribbon sales and now a Marathon Walk!