2020 was so tough for so many - especially those that things were pretty tough for already in 2019, never a mind a pandemic! So I’m aiming to bring some hope into what feels like a dark time and encourage my friends and family to think about what we can do, not what we can’t.
I’m going to run 874 miles this year and hope to raise £1 for every mile I run for this amazing charity who humble me with their servant heartedness every day. Homelessness is a complex word and can mean so many things - often despair, poverty, isolation, illness, addiction and hopelessness. It has many forms and faces, chipping away at the feeling of God given worth and equality we are all entitled to. The work Oasis Community Housing to do restore this for those in my home town of Gateshead and across the country is humbling.
If you could throw in a few £’s it would really encourage me in my efforts as I go out come rain or shine to achieve the miles. More importantly your donation, large or small, will without doubt be used to help someone turn their life around. And if you needed anymore encouragement Graham (the husband) has said he’ll match the £874 I raise so there’s an incentive!
If you’d like any more info on the work of Oasis Community Housing give me a shout.