Growing up in India, I have seen first hand the effect of poverty on lives. I have seen children denied of basic rights such as education, hygiene, basic needs. And this isn’t just India, there are places around the world, like Sri Lanka, and West Africa that face life-threatening poverty. Generations after generations being born into the same culture of barely surviving, barely making it. Children after children being born into a world that denies them the opportunity to learn, to evolve, to break the cycle.
While we have been blessed with the gift of growing up in a land of equal opportunity, we must remember those that don’t share the same choices as us. We must remember those marginalised post-covid.
Joining hands with Street Child to fight poverty is not just with personal conviction, but with a stronger drive knowing that this one peak-climbing challenge can help change a child’s life. It is knowing that with every step we conquer climbing, Street Child help children across the world climb their own mountains that once might have been impossible. We’re partnering with Street Child to help ensure that their work of keeping children in school safe continues, to ensure that they have provision to provide from emergencies.
My aim is to raise £750 to support the work they do. So, please would you join me in this amazing venture and support these children.