So my story? Where do I begin....
I met this women who I thought was the love of my life, and after several long and tiring months of giving her the world and everything she could possibly want, said wench decided to ditch me for reasons that are still unknown to me, but hey her loss right? Anyway...
I then thought what better way to take my mind off it than to just go for a run, it clears the head after all. So I set off later that night after said wench got up and left.
I started to run and found myself running further than I ever had before, and in the words of the infamous Forest Gump:
"That day, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around and just keep on going."
Upon returning from this run I was reminded some days after that said wench was thinking about doing the great south run, and I'm pretty sure she won't. To prove a point that I am much more driven than said wench I decided to sign up to the great south run.
So wherever you are now ex-wench, take note... I am not doing this for you, I am dong this because of you, I am going to prove I can be the best I can, I don't need you nor will I ever.
So that's my story in short, I look forward to seeing everyone on the day and proving I am worth so much more than said ex-wench deserves.
Happy running guys!