COP26 Festival is an interdisciplinary environmental festival aimed at raising awareness on climate change and the vital importance of the COP26 Conference in Glasgow. We are raising money for two charities: Global Justice Now and World Land Trust. The money raised will be split in half and sent to each charity after the festival is over.
Here is some information about each charity:
Global Justice Now
Global Justice Now are a democratic social justice organisation working as part of a global movement to challenge the powerful and create a more just and equal world. They mobilise people in the UK for change, and act in solidarity with those fighting injustice, particularly the global south.
World Land Trust
World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity that protects the world's most biologically significant and threatened habitats acre by acre. Through a network of partner organisations around the world, WLT funds the creation of reserves and provides permanent protection for habitats and wildlife. Partnerships are developed with established and highly respected local organisations who engage support and commitment among the local community.
Please support with however much you can and share!