On January 28th we lost our husband, dad, brother, friend. He had courageously battled Motor Neurone Disease with no complaints and a determination to keep life as normal as possible despite the speed of decline. Very little is known about this disease and so in dad's memory we want to help raise money for the much needed research referenced below.
Thank you for anything you wish to contribute.
This campaign will lay the foundations for human trials of a pioneering therapy for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). The fatal disease affects the brain and nerves and causes weakness over time. There is currently no cure for the condition.The work led by Bristol-based neurosurgeon Professor Steven Gill brings combines three elements: Gene Therapy with Viral Vectors delivered via Convection Enhanced Delivery CED.It is known that specific viruses can have a therapeutic effect on motor neurons and a technique called Convection Enhance Delivery (CED). This is able to deliver these viruses directly to the neurons in the brain. For many diseases such as MND. Delivery of genes to affected neurons to correct or repair defects has been a major challenge.The cost of the pre-clinical stage is £150,000. Thanks to My Name5 Doddie Foundation we are a third of the way there! Please help support our campaign by donating and together we can hopefully make a major breakthrough that will help.