***Important change to orders from 28 July 2020***
Our fundraiser has moved to payment for masks on our Crowdfuding page for Sew Positive. Donations here will not be used as payment for masks although please continue to donate here for NHS Charities together if you wish in addition. Your payment for masks should be on our Crowdfunding page.**
CommunityMasks4NHS raised an incredible £40,000 for NHS Charities Together. With this huge success, and the emerging mental health crisis from the pandemic, this has evolved to Sew Positive, a new charity to support positive mental health through sewing.
We will now take orders using this page while we establish our legal identity as a charity going forward.
Sew Positive will provide:
• ‘Sewing for all’ wellbeing workshops to businesses as part of their CSR/wellbeing strategies, alongside Mental Health First Aid training through partners. This will fund workshops for more vulnerable groups.
• Sewing workshops as a ‘Social Prescription’ through the NHS alongside yoga, mindfulness, and other creative arts.
• Products for sale made by our team of wonderful volunteers
• Presentations on evidence behind mental health and sewing, delivered remotely/by Zoom.
• A community virtual group for isolated people to share their sewing and craft projects with each other.
Your payment of £5 per mask should now come to Sew Positive on our Crowdfunding site.
For postage, please donate an extra £2 on top of your order cost for 1-6 masks, £3 per order for 7-10 masks or £4 per order for 11 masks and over.
Please use the link below to donate to pay for your masks from 28 July 2020.