With London experiencing a lockdown, many community services that once provided food to those in need have now closed and many food banks are running desperately low on supplies, so there’s never been more need for what we do. But because our hubs and many of our donor businesses are closed due to the need to follow the guidelines recommended by The Government we have had to adapt how we deliver our service as our guests (we call those who visit our service guests) are unable to visit our hubs to collect the food they so desperately need…so we have decided to take Compliments of The House to them!
Instead of solely collecting surplus donated food and giving it out to those in need, we now also buy food ourselves and deliver it to vulnerable people every fortnight to ensure that we are able to meet the ever growing need of those using our grassroots and frontline service. Our food packages include items such as fruit and vegetables, meat, meat alternatives, fish, eggs and cheese to offer a nutritious and balanced diet. We also provide pet food should they need it!
We now take referrals from local organisations including the social services, community groups and other charities who are also supporting those in need within our community so with their help we know that we are reaching the right people. We also tailor each food and toiletries package to suit our guests nutritional needs and religious requirements.