Thank you for visiting my fundraising page.
My Name is colin and im doing an abseil for marie curie cancer care.
I have regsitered for a abseil at Grimsby tower at 275ft which was completed on 9/9/09
I am also abseiling hopefully the coventry buildng AXA 160ft 28/09/2009 and millers dale for a second time 85ft, 28/10/2009.
Now what i am doing this amount of abseils for this year is because not only i lost my best friend in 2007 to cancer but she also happened to be my nan aswell. My wish in years to come is for the scientists and laboratories to be able to find a complete cure for invading and dreadful disease. If you could make even a small donation to this page id be most greatful, and as one last thankyou to everyone here, i will get you all a mention on smooth fm towards october time as thats when the last abseil will probably be till next year weather dependant though!
Thank you so much for your support.
Colin Turner