At the ripe age of 41, I am taking part in my first white collar boxing match on Saturday 1st October. I have been training in Dave Tonks’ Elite Performance camp for the last 6 weeks with some top amateur boxers and kick-boxers. It has been tough but the punches and knocks that I have taken along the way and no doubt will on the night are nothing compared to the immense bravery of those fighting or who have fought bowel cancer and the consequences of it, including my lovely cousin Jenni. Her outlook, immense bravery and determination inspires me and everyone around her. This is just a small attempt to try and raise some funds to raise awareness about this illness and help those fighting it. Bowel Cancer Uk are the UK’s leading bowel cancer charity.They fund targeted research, provide expert information and support to patients and their families, educate the public and professionals about the disease and campaign for early diagnosis and access to best treatment and care. I would greatly appreciate any donations of any amount. Thanks for your support. For anyone wanting tickets for the night, please let me know. (The proceeds from the ticket sales go to The British Lung Foundation). Thanks so much, Col.