This pandemic has really brought into focus the carers of this world. Ironically whilst they are needed more than ever, the lockdown has meant the important funds they get from charity shops and fundraising events has dried up. So anything we can do to support them has to be a good idea. Which got me thinking!
I'm trying to loose weight in support of my health and have made progress but the cakes they keep a calling! So I thought okay out of your comfort zone you go, let me be accountable to you guys and at the same time, if there is less of me but it means more money for Sue Ryder I've gotta give it a go.
My goal is to see 10 pounds less of me and get sponsored £1 for each pound lost. I'd like to raise at least £50 plus in fundraising by July 31st. If I know you're watching, my illicit affair with the treats box will have to go. I don't understand what happens with the treat box, in go the raisins, and the chia seeds and the 80% dark chocolate but the odd doughnut sneaks it's way in - very odd!
I'll be using some Ayurvedic tools in this journey and will post updates to let you know that soon you will be seeing a lot less of me!
Thank you in advance for all your support.
Love you all
Colette x
For those not familiar with Sue Ryder some info below.
Sue Ryder Nurses and healthcare teams are always there for local people who are dying. They are providing incredible emotional support as well as specialist medical care to people who are finding themselves in unimaginably difficult circumstances.We are all facing something we have never faced before which is why Sue Ryder has launched an appeal to make sure that they are still here. I am asking you to give whatever you can afford at this difficult time. Every pound you give could make the difference to whether they can be there or not. It is that simple.