Welcome to my page and thanks for dropping by!
For the past two years, I have run the Manchester marathon and raised money for organisations I believe in. It makes those long, lonely training runs possible in my opinion, as there's something else pushing you on.
I never would have imagined feeling like I was 'good enough' to run London, but the most significant thing long-distance running has taught me is that *anyone* can actually do it. The whole race is run in your mind and if you take it one mile at a time then it doesn't feel like, well, quite so much of a marathon.
So I went out in search of charity places for 2018 and was chuffed to bits when St John's Ambulance responded with an offer. Because I feel this is a charity that everyone can get behind.
When you accept a charity place, you accept the fundraising that comes with it. (Because London is a UK marathon like no other and something crazy like 360,000 people entered the ballot this year...) So I have to raise £1,800.00 by April 22nd 2018! Can I do it people? I truly hope so :)
As well as asking for donations online, I'll be organising Pub Quiz and Gig Nights in York, hosting some foodie-type events at my place, and maybe even persuading my darling husband to have his legs waxed. So I promise you a fun few months!
Thank you in advance for whatever it is you can give. If everyone gave a little, then we'd all have a lot :)
Clea xxx