Alzheimer's is a terrible disease. The more I speak to people, the more I realise that it has an impact on everyone. It not only affects the person diagnosed, but everyone around them, whether they are their life partner trying to suddenly be their carer, or their other family members and friends trying to help out.
I am doing this challenge as both my Grandads have the disease. Unfortunately, I lost my paternal Grandad last year after suffering for many years with Alzheimer's. He ended up passing away in a Care Home during the first lockdown. My maternal Grandad is doing reasonably well, even though he never remembers what happened 5 minutes ago. Seeing both my Grandmas struggle with responsibility of being full time carers has been, at times, hard to watch.
I want to be able to play my part in working towards a cure for the disease, however small. I look forward to the challenge of doing the three peaks, and hope that whatever money I can raise will go towards helping people with the Alzheimer's.
In loving memory of George F.C. Boulton: 1933 - 2020 - Mechanic, Artificer, Engineer, Inventor, Fixer, Father, Grandfather.