Christine Baker

Christine & Mike's 15 in 2015

Fundraising for Motor Neurone Disease Association
raised of £2,500 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
In memory of Pauline Baker
We fund care, campaigning and research to achieve a world free from MND


Thanks for taking the time to visit my 15 in 15 JustGiving page.

The Challenge: 15 endurance events in 2015:
Jan - Irchester 15k; Feb - Dorney Lake Half Marathon; Mar - Cambridge Half Marathon, Silverstone Half Marathon, Hampton Court Palace Half Marathon; May - Hereford Half Marathon, Tough Mudder; June - Endure 24; July - Great North 10k (with little sis & nephew); Aug - Kimbolton Half Marathon; Sept - Great North Run, Robin Hood half Marathon; Oct - Birmingham Half Marathon, Leicester Marathon; Nov - St Neots Half Marathon.

Update: a few more events seem to have been added into the diary: Titchmarsh 10k in May, Peterborough Half Marathon in October, Christmas Cracker 20k in December, and finishing the year with the Portsmouth Harbour Ultra Marathon (50k) on 20th December. This will be the furthest I have ever run (or walked in one go), and I'm not looking forward to the weather forecast, but every step is still easier than living with MND, and every step is one closer to a cure.

Many of you know my story - in 2006 we lost mam to Motor Neurone Disease, just 10 months after diagnosis. The disease robbed her of her ability to walk, move, swallow and talk. It's progressive, aggressive, terminal.It's indiscriminate and so far, there is no treatment and no cure. 

MND is a progressive neuro-degenerative disease that attacks the upper and lower motor neurones. Degeneration of these motor neurones leads to weakness and wasting of muscles, causing increasing loss of mobility in the limbs, and difficulties with speech, swallowing and breathing.

The MNDA supports families and sufferers by providing equipment such as Lightwriters, adapted chairs etc. to enable those with the disease to maintain an independent life as far as is possible, and to ease some of the symptoms where this can be done.Although mam lost the ability to talk, she used a Lightwriter to communicate -those of you who knew mam will know how important that was to her! They also fund important research into the disease, in the hope of one day ridding the world of this cruel disease. 

In 2015 I have committed to completing 15 events in the name of awareness and fundraising for MNDA. These will mainly be half marathons throughout the year, and also Endure 24 in June which is a 24-hourrelay race of 5-mile laps!!! A lot of training, a lot of hard work - but every step, a step closer to a cure...please help me get closer to that goal!

Mike, who thought 15 was mad, has also already signed up to 7 events over the course of 2015, and will also be running to support MND. 6 half marathons and a 24-hour relay so far...and no doubt there'll be more! Update Nov: Mike is now signed up to a total of 13 events!! A Baker's Dozen for mam - 2 x 10k, Tough Mudder, Endure 24 and 9 half marathons. A further update Dec: 13 was so close to 15 that Mike is now also doing 15 events this year, including a 20k run on 12th December in fancy dress: a Christmas mankini!!!

MND is a disease that nobody should have to experience. Please support us to raise awareness, and as much funding as we possibly can, so that MND becomes a thing of the past.

Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity. So it’s the most efficient way to donate – saving time and cutting costs for the charity.

Thanks for reading this; please consider sponsoring me - every penny counts :-)

Christine xx

About the charity

The MND Association focuses on improving access to care, research and campaigning for those living with or affected by MND in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. If you or a loved one need practical or emotional support, call our Connect Helpline on 0808 802 6262, Mon to Fri between 10am and 4pm.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £636.98 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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