Xanthe and Saul will be walking their socks off along the River Test on Saturday 20th September! Xanthe will be walking 8 miles and Saul will do 11 miles. It's going to be muddy. Please help them raise money for SWVG, a charity their grandma volunteers for, which supports refugees and asylum seekers.
Here's a bit more about SWVG:
SWVG is a group of dedicated volunteers who get to know and support refugees and asylum seekers in Southampton and Winchester. The people they support often live in extremely vulnerable situations: they don't have access to public funds due to their immigration status, they have no right to work and virtually no income for food, toiletries or other essentials like mobile phone credit. They have often fled dangerous situations in their home countries. SWVG manages a hostel for homeless asylum seekers while they gather evidence towards their claim. It also teaches English, works with solicitors to further asylum claims, and campaigns for a fairer asylum system in the UK.
This year our usual sponsored walk organised by Rotary had to be cancelled so SWVG supporters are completing their own walks or cycle rides in September in line with government guidance.
Covid 19 has put particular pressure on charities and on those we support. The group target is £5000 so every contribution will help! Thank you!!