Hello, Please don’t let Clare’s story be that her friends are a bit tight...
Please support me because it’s a miracle that I am attempting to run a half marathon, I am fundraising for Refuge as a life saving charity which in turn supports many local domestic violence support projects.
It’s a subject many think they know all about, even with the best intentions, believing it would never happen to them or anybody dear to them and if it did, that they would know exactly what to do. So sure with the support of your friends and family it’s just simply a case of leaving at the first occurrence and that prosecuting a violent partner is as simple as reporting it to the police.
Women in all sectors of our society can find what they believed to be their unique and nuanced relationship summed up as a checklist on a website such as Refuge’s and they are, in fact, well on the way of a sadly well trodden, difficult path. Until domestic violence is eradicated from society this is a vital service both online, over the telephone and in the community.
I don’t hate men, some of my best friends are men and I even married one. Refuge also supports male victims of domestic violence and provides signposting to perpetrators who have decided to seek help.
Thank you for supporting me and Refuge.
From Refuge:
One woman in four will experience domestic violence at some point in her lifetime and two women are killed each week in England and Wales by a current or former partner. Refuge supports around 6,000 women & children on any given day, experiencing domestic and sexual violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, stalking, trafficking, prostitution & so-called ‘honour’ based violence.By kindly sponsoring me today you are helping to save and change the lives of thousands of women and children escaping domestic violence.Thank you.