A few months ago a friend asked "shall we sign up to do a marathon?" my instant reaction was "..... er NO!". After running a half marathon last year my legs categorically told me that there was no way they could go even one step further. But I'm pretty stubborn and once the idea was in my head that was it.
I am running in memory of my lovely Mum (Fiona Tyler) who sadly didn't win the struggle against Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. I was so touched that 4 of my friends ran last year for The Anthony Nolan trust in her memory that I thought it was time for me to take on the challenge. The Anthony Nolan Trust provides a wonderful service, connecting donors with those that need bone marrow to boost their immune system, the main cause of reduced immunity being Leukaemia. Mum was lucky enough to be found a match quickly when she needed one, her transplant gave the opportunity to fight for longer and with more strength.
Please dig deep to help many others benefit from this great charity, and also to support me round the 26.2 miles... I really need it!
Thank you!!!