In 2020 my friends lost their daughter Beth to suicide.
She was 17 years old.
We were in lockdown.
So I am running the Manchester 10k in May remembering Beth and her family every time I lace up my trainers. I will post my pictures on social media in the hope that a young person will see the helpline and call when they are need.
No one should have to feel that total devastation that suicide brings not just to the family but also to friends and teachers along with the wider community.
I am not a runner and will find this a challenge but raising awareness is key and talking about suicide is crucial to breaking down the stigma of the word.
PAPYRUS is the national Charity for the Prevention of Young Suicide. Suicide is the biggest killer of young people under the age of 35 in the UK, in 2018 over 1800 young people took their own lives. PAPYRUS provides confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through their helpline, HOPELINEUK. Every £5 raised can help pay for a life-saving contact to HOPELINEUK. Your donations really are lifesaving, thank you.