Hi there all,
Apologies for the very short notice on this, however through a few friends of mine I was sent a link recently regarding the charity Advantage Africa.
The men and women within this organisation work tirelessly to help local communities across Africa help themselves. I think that is the main difference here - unlike many other charities (of whom I won't go in to), Advantage Africa's aim to get to the grass roots of the communities in which they help; helping them build better lives for themselves and those around them, whilst educating them on how to be self reliant going forward.
I was moved by Advantage Africa, and inspired by the staff. Recently, when I found out that Advantage Africa was one of the charities that could be sponsored in the London 10K run, I hopped (no pun intended!) at the chance to get involved.
The race takes place this weekend, on Sunday morning. I'll be sticking the belly against the ticker tape at 9:25am alongside 25,000 other "athletes"- all looking to achieve their goals and challenges also.
I know we all have seen these pages and web links before, so we all know what to do; please click on my donation page and give what you can towards this charity. It's really easy and for a truly good and worthwhile cause.
Thanks all!