Update! I am ready for tomorrow! But I am still recovering from a virus so will take it slow and see how I go... thanks for all your support.
Update! In 24 hours, we have already reached our £500 target... Because of your gernosity we are now doubling the target! Click Donate above to step in and help.
On the 28th May I will be attempting a half marathon to raise money for Transforming Lives for Good (TLG). TLG is the charity I work for, helping to support struggling children and families. Step in and help now - click Donate above.
What is it that inspires me to support TLG? Read below to find out.....
I don’t remember my father at all really. He died when I was really young. A lot changed when he died; we had to move back to the UK and my mum had to find a job and raise me by herself.
But the local church stepped in and helped. They loved her, supported her and looked out for me. For over 10 years she faithfully raised me as a single parent with the help of our local church.
Then she got breast cancer. Over a few years she went through chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She had a mastectomy, and went bald... But the local church stepped in and helped. They visited her in hospital and brought food when she was struggling to do it for herself.
Then I got the call, whilst away on a field trip. “Matthew, she is getting close. You need to get back and be with your mum”. She died a day later. There I was, still relatively young, and no idea how to grieve or what to do next.
But the local church stepped in and helped. They found me a family from the church to stay with for the summer, who loved me and let me work out my grief.
I love TLG, Transforming Lives for Good, because they are the local church, stepping in and helping children that are struggling. What could be better than being there for children that really need someone in their corner?
Would you sponsor me, as I walk/run a half marathon (ahhhh!...) in support of these struggling children and their families? Click Donate above to step in and help.