Hello everybody.Its all over now. I promise never again to mention my saddle contact region. It was tough but never impossible (except for The Long Mynd - a 30% slope is a ladder - after 92 miles). So I walked one mile and cycled 1000 in 9 days spending 82 hours on the bike. Your contributions and support have been overwhelming so thankyou all.
Hi. Lots of you have asked why I am cycling from John O'Groats to Lands End with the Deloitte Ride Across Britain. The answer comes in two parts. This is my mid life crisis. Less tiring than a teenage mistress, less dangerous than a motorbike. More expensive than the two put together. I've spent more money on brake blocks and chains in six months training than I spent on my old bike in 28 years. Not to mention the flesh hugging shorts, soothing cream and super saddle that will make the event possible. Full details of the task are available by Googling Ride Across Britain. You can even sign up for next year.
The second reason for my journey has brought you to this page. The British Paralympic Association raises funds for the athletes competing on an international stage representing Great Britain. I have commited just 6 months to training for my ride. International athletes commit their lives to to training, competing and team membership.
Our elite athletes need the very best coaching available. Your sponsorship will help towards success in 2012 and every Paralympic Games that follows. Thankyou. Chris