Angus Grocott our friends son, was born in traumatic circumstances, in May 2017. He didn't breathe for the first 30 minutes of his life. His survival and continued progress are astounding. But Angus suffers from cerebral palsy, which restricts his movement and ability to eat, among other things.
His parents have been told that every penny they can invest in his treatment now will pay dividends in future. They've also been told that his various treatments cost around £20,000 a year. So we're all doing our bit to help them raise that money.
I'm running the 12k Nuclear Obstacle Race in Kelvedon on 20th May, 10 Mile Tough Mudder event 7th July and finally the Great Eastern Run, Ipswich half marathon on 16th September all to raise money for this cause.
Please give *anything* you can - it all adds up - and remember to claim Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer. All money raised is spent on Angus' treatment.
Thank you!