Our mission is to raise funds to buy toys for children in hospital. We are asking you to forgo the price of a cup of coffee to help the cause. We will run a full marathon between us on the 26/11/2022.
Children in Hospital Ireland was founded in 1970 and in the decades since then has engaged in advocacy and education in regard to the specific needs of children and young people in hospital, has made available information for parents and families, and has provided a volunteer-led play and recreation service. Since then, there has been a significant expansion of this service: it is now available in fourteen hospitals around the country, with more than 500 volunteers providing play facilitation on a daily basis in wards, emergency departments, outpatient departments, and, where available, playrooms. This equates to an annual total of around 48,000 volunteer hours with the service reaching approximately 100,000 children. In providing this service, Children in Hospital Ireland strives to adhere to the highest standards in recruiting, training, mentoring and supporting its volunteers. Our mission is to promote the wellbeing of children within the healthcare system in Ireland.