The Pilion Trust created the Crash Pad - a shelter for homeless youth in London. The Crash Pad houses and supports young people between 18 and 23yrs old who are at risk or are fleeing harm. The Crash Pad is helping youth who face all range of issues/obstacles in life - it provides a safe space for these youth with full time staff that advocate for the young people and their basic human rights - access to housing, education, food, etc.
In the winter of 2017 they saw 89 young people come through the shelter doors asking for help. 80% of the young people were orphans or did not have a safe home to return too. Since May 2017 they have supported a further 25 young people and the numbers keep increasing. Support them to raise money to open a second stage project to help young people into work and find a home.
If I reach my goal I will be shaving my head on Sunday, April 22nd. Guaranteed pictures! (Maybe a video if I can swing it).