I was 27 weeks pregnant when the lockdown was announced as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes which was very difficult to manage specially given the situation we were in. Fortunately, this "went away" after giving birth.
Spending my maternity leave indoors was not easy. My mental health suffered as well as my physical well being. Luckily, my GP helped me get the right help. When I went back to work, my colleagues were there to listen and support me settle back in to work.
This year, I have decided to join the Great Manchester Run in order to continue have a better mental health and wellbeing and improve my health. I am also at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, so my aim is to improve my health by engaging in more physical activities and adopt a healthier eating habit. And for this year, I am fundraising for the MFT charity, to support the Trust's amazing work to improve our patients' experience . Please donate can. Thank you.