Christies Care will be joining the fight against heart and circulatory disease by holding a British Heart Foundation Day to help support the British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) life saving research.
We’re doing this in honour of Christies carer Susan Atkinson, who sadly passed away last year.
Heart disease is a very real risk for many of us and we want to have some fun whilst learning about what we can all do to help ourselves and each other. All in memory of Susan.
We want this day to be fun but we’re also mindful of the fact that more research needs to be done to explore heart disease.
The day will consist of:
- Fancy Dress (Red and Pink): Red for the BHF colours and the heart symbol but also pink as this was Susan’s favourite colour.
- Fit Bit Challenge for the week: Staff who have a fitbit (or other step-counting device) will be doing a work week challenge to see who can get the most steps in.
- Food: Lis and Kate will be cooking some fresh and healthy food for us all to donate and enjoy.
- A Raffle: With prizes kindly donated by staff and local businesses.
We’re hoping for everyone’s involvement at head office and encourage our carers and clients to join in with their own fundraising. Not just because it’s a great cause, but also to remember our colleague Susan.
And even if you aren't able to join in the fun, any donation you can make will go towards funding research that will bring down the shocking statistic that more than 7 million people in the UK are currently living with heart and circulatory diseases. And that 25% of the population sadly pass away from them.