Not much explanation required - Celtic FC Foundation are a fantastic charity, filled with wonderful people who do amazing work for all sorts of people who really need help and support and I therefore look to publicise and support their work in any way I can.
Some FAQs below from their website for more info:
Q: Who does Celtic FC Foundation help?
A: We are an organisation here for all, regardless of gender, age, religion, race, or ability. Our priority is to provide assistance to those who face daily challenges within our key priority areas. In addition we offer support in the form of delivery and/or partnership to external charities and other organisations who offer value in the community and whose principles fit within these key priority areas.
Q: What type of project delivery is Celtic FC Foundation involved in?
A: We have a strong track record of delivering successful community based projects that support health and wellbeing (Health), inclusion (Equality), education and diversionary activities (Learning) and employability (Poverty). We work with all age groups from young children through to older people and currently deliver projects locally, nationally and internationally. We work with a variety of partners to deliver our projects.
If you are interested in more information on our projects please contact;
Q: Where does Celtic FC Foundation work?
A: Our priority focus will support areas based on the need surrounding our home within the city of Glasgow in the first instance.
Thereafter, our main geographical areas of support, in order of priority are:
1. The North and East of Glasgow
2. Greater Glasgow, Inverclyde and North Lanarkshire
3. Scotland, Ireland and the rest of the UK
4. Rest of the World, with an emphasis on Asia and Africa
However, each project will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and we will always focus our attention where our efforts are best served, primarily supporting the geographical areas listed above.