Michael was born on the 7th July 2020 by emergency c-section. He was 28 weeks and 1lb 9ozs. From the beginning he was a very strong little boy and held his own. A few weeks later he did have a difficult roller coaster week, but bounced back to the amazement of the staff. He is now 3lbs 9 ozs and doing very well. This is due to the amazing nurses and doctors who have cared for not only him but also supported mum and dad Coral and Mark. It has been very difficult because of Covid-19, they have not been able to go and visit Michael together and the family have not been able to support them. We know how stretched the hospitals are so by setting up a Just Giving page this allows them to use the money for anything that they need in the unit. If you can donate, even £1, all those £'s will add up. Thank you for reading.