Like everyone reading this, I have friends, family and colleagues who have battled with cancer and, sadly, not all have won.
For years, I have supported cancer charities, taking on swimathons, dryathlons, muddy obstacle courses and 20+ mile hikes. And I'm not done yet!
I recently heard of a brave young boy called Sam who had been fighting the horrible disease for more than three years. Amongst the many heartfelt messages from friends and family were the words "Praying that Sam feels the love, comfort and support that surrounds him, that he will not be afraid or in pain."
In April, Sam lost his battle. He was just seven years old. I didn't know Sam but the news shocked and saddened me. No child should ever feel scared and afraid because their future has been snatched away from them.
So this year, I'm supporting the charity Children with Cancer UK, which raises and invests money for vital specialist research to save the lives of every child with cancer and keep their family together.
In Sam's memory, for all those we've lost, for every person fighting cancer today, for every family member putting on a brave face and for every child like Sam, this year my sisters and I are taking on our biggest walking challenge yet.
On Saturday 22 June, we will be walking 30 miles across three counties in one day.
Please dig deep and support us in our efforts, so we can continue our fight against cancer.