This is a charity close to my heart - Some of you may know of my uncle Neil, he has Down's syndrome and is a regular user of our local Mencap in Keynsham. They provide regular social clubs, holidays and events for people with disabilities and without them Neil's and many others lives would be very isolated. We cannot thank Mencap enough for all they do and the only way I could think of doing so - is to run 26.2 miles 🤦♀️
Luckily Cat has agreed to do it with me - Our target is £2,500 each and it is so important we hit the £5k. We know times are hard but please sponsor what you can - think of us pounding the streets as we train: the only thing that will keep us going then and on the day is the thought of all the sponsors and what joy the money will bring to so many lives.
We thank you in advance 😘
Char & Cat x
Right now, people with a learning disability face inequalities in every area of life with almost 1 in 3 young people with a learning disability spending less than 1 hour outside their home on a typical Saturday.They face barriers finding a job, accessing activities in their local community and receiving good quality healthcare. We tackle these issues head on by providing support in a way that meets individual needs and encourages greater independence.We give expert advice and information that empowers people and their families. And we campaign relentlessly for changes that brings greater equality for people with a learning disability.By supporting Team Mencap you will be helping us to support people with a learning disability to live the life they choose, and do the things they love.