I am participating in Birth Trauma Associations (BTA) fundraising events, and will be doing a 10k walk at the end of the month. Additionally to this, each week in February I am going to do a 5k walk with my son Eddie as part of the charities 'Pramathon' fundraising event.
I am supporting BTA as it is a cause close to my heart after my own experience of childbirth and recovery, which was traumatic. I know how important it is to have support and guidance whilst dealing with birth trauma. This is especially important at the moment, given the lack of post natal support that has been available during the pandemic.
It will be incredibly symbolic for me personally to be able to complete a 10k walk and other 5k walks for this cause, given I was unable to even stand up and hold or rock my baby for months without being in pain. Although to some it may not feel like a big thing to walk that far, to me it will feel like a huge accomplishment and a marker of how far I have come.
On many of my walks I will be accompanied by one of my friends (socially distanced of course). The wonderful women joining me will be friends who I have met through having children at the same time, and friends who have been a huge support to me throughout the journey so far, or who have have shared similar challenges.
For more information about the work of BTA, please see here:
Thank you for your support.
Charlie x