Hi there i thought it was about time i updated my page kyou for everyone who has kindly donated and to all those who are still considering please dig deep as i would dearly love to raise as much as possible as cancer is a truly devastating disease and i would very much appreciate it if you would forward my email i sent to you all to as many people as possible.
I am still training hard and am often seen about the local area and not so local training, running biking and swimming. Many thanks and please spread the word.
Here are some results as well as a list of some of the events still to be completed:
14 March and 11 April Thetford forest duathons : finished in pain
May Cambridge duathon : finished in top third
June Norfolk Hero Challenge : WON
July Norwich Triathalon : Finished in 2hours 40min
August London Triathalon: Finished in top third
September Wells Triathalon
September Wissey half marathon
17 October Barcelona Triathalon
Thanks for taking the time to look ,hope you think its worth some sponsorship to help me along the way
Charlie .
27th June
I am still in one piece !! which considering I fell off my bike last weekend is a miracle .
thanks for all the donations so far