In October I lost my nan at the age of 95, she was a big part of our lives, even more so when she learnt how to use an iPad and FaceTime. It became a perfect means to involve her more in our activities. I'd FaceTime her from places like the Christ the Redeemer, the Eiffel Tower, Islands in the Philippines and countless festivals - all places she could only dream of visiting.
In recent years I spoke to her everyday, not just for her but also for me, I enjoyed our chats about the weather, how busy we are with work and whether I had been for a run or not. My nan kept my 2 most recent half marathon medals in her flat, so this time we're going the full marathon distance for you, Nan, and raising some vital funds towards a good cause.
She was well looked after and had people around her right up until her final hours. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for a lot of elderly people. Sadly, 2.65m older people feel they have no one to turn to for help and around 3.9m older people consider TV to be their main form of company.
Donating to this page, however big or small, will help the national Age UK to continue providing vital services that offer companionship, advice and support for older people facing later life alone.
And if you can, ring your Nan or Grandad. I can guarantee you will absolutely make their day!