Moshe Meir Hefetz z’l, hazzan of the Ohel David Eastern Synagogue for over 20 years, was a dedicated teacher who inspired and taught many students to read the Torah and tefillah in 'minhag Baghdad'.
His tenacity to attend synagogue and lead the tefillah and kriat ha’Torah, even when he was suffering great pain from his illness, was an inspiration to all his congregation. He was loved by all and is sorely missed by those who knew him.
Prior to his passing Moshe Hefetz z’l recorded on cassette all the parshiot and haftarot, as well as selihot and kinot for Tisha b’Av.
Recently, all his recordings have been converted into digital format and can now be re-produced onto audio CDs and MP3.
If you would like to learn to read maftir and haftorah, or even an entire parasha, using these recordings, please contact Charles Darwish:
Mobile 07956 86 15 70
Proceeds to be donated in Moshe Hefetz’s name to the Jewish Learning Exchange (JLE).