By happy coincidence the last run in the RunFurther series this year took place in Rotherham the week of my Dad's 84th birthday.
The Round Rotherham Run is a 50 mile ultramarathon through the countryside around Rotherham.
Dad is a native of Rotherham, and has severe dementia. When I told Dad about the route last week he recognised some of the places it passed through and even mentioned playing gigs in the village pubs in the 1950s. He's a lifelong exercise dodger so running doesn't really mean anything to him, but the place names resonated with him.
Ultras being what they are, there's always a significant risk of not completing so I didn't put this page up until after the race. After setting out with a target of sub 12 hours, I did 9 hours 52 minutes. I do this kind of thing for my own deranged amusement, but if you want to make a donation to support dementia research I'd be really glad.
Thanks :)
PS: Strava link here: