Charity Week 2007
on 5 October 2007
on 5 October 2007
Once again, that time of the year has dawned upon us! No it’s not the January sales, and certainly not an all new series of Prison Break…it’s CHARITY WEEK!!! Yiipeeeee!!!
Charity Week is an annual event hosted by ULU ISoc in collaboration with Islamic Relief, a prominent registered charity, also responsble for the ‘Making Poverty History’ Campaign, and focuses on not only raising as much money as possible for deprived orphans worldwide; but also helps to develop that special bond between young Muslims all over the UK, irrespective of age, race or gender.
Last year, a mega-total of £180, 000 was raised by students from all over the UK, and by the Mercy of Allah (swt), City ISoc helped contribute a whopping £22,000 of that total, masha’allaah.
The money raised hasn’t simply disappeared into thin air. Rather, it has helped to pay the rent for an orphanage, established a clinic for 2000 orphans in Mali, and built an orphanage in Bangladesh. Alhumdulillah. But it doesn’t just end there: money that has been left over is being pumped into various projects worldwide, helping to put more smiles on the faces of young children.
Although, a great result – it simply still is not enough. The students at City ISoc are asking for YOUR support this Charity Week 2007; firstly for the sake of Allah, and then the children. Help us to unite as Muslims: one force, one team with one aim; building a better future for orphans worldwide.
Please, help us raise as much as possible, by donating, and forwarding it to friends and family with the plea of donating too.
For more info email Heena on charity@cityisoc.comCharities pay a small fee for our service. Learn more about fees