MBU is an inpatient unit for mums and babies, run by a variety of health care professionals providing life changing support to expectant and new mothers with mental health conditions.
APP (Action on Postpartum Psychosis) have provided irreplaceable support to our ward during a time of staffing crisis offering peer support to instil hope into our recovering families and providing recovery based activities.
Postpartum psychosis is a life threatening condition that can have detrimental impacts on mothers, babies and families and we would like to support APP in their mission to increase awareness to enable families to get support early and save lives, we need your kindness to help change the lives for the mums and babies that enter our service.
The team are up for the challenge to climb to the top of Snowdon together on the 18th June 2022!! Please support us by sharing this fantastic cause with everyone you know and make your donations along the way!! We look forward to seeing the final results!!! Get on board and join the journey. Lets make a difference!!!
Lets do this!!